From tragedy to hope: one year after the earthquake in Morocco

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Ibrahim* was just seven months old when he lost both his parents in the devastating Al Haouz earthquake, leaving him with no one to care for him. The neighbours tried to look after him, but their desperate situation, having lost everything in the disaster, made it impossible for them to keep him.


That's when SOS Children's Villages Morocco stepped in, providing Ibrahim with more than shelter—a new family. 


Ibrahim was entrusted to Nawal, an experienced SOS Children’s Villages caregiver caring for five children. In her home, Ibrahim found a place where he is secure, protected, and loved. Nawal fondly recalls the day Ibrahim arrived: "We were all very happy to welcome him because we knew his tragic story. The children were thrilled to have a baby in the house, and they all wanted to hold him." 


Children alone in the debris


At least 100,000 children were impacted by the powerful earthquake that struck Morocco on September 8, 2023. More than 2,900 people were killed and 5,500 injured.  


SOS Children's Villages Morocco placed 120 children with temporary foster families, providing continuous monitoring to ensure their wellbeing. For children like Ibrahim, who needed long-term care, they have been placed at SOS Children's Villages in Aït Ourir. 


“Everything was in ruins, roads were cut off, and children were left alone amid the debris,” said Samya ElMousti, National Director of SOS Children’s Villages Morocco.  


SOS Children’s Villages Morocco provided immediate humanitarian assistance – food, water, clothes, medical care – to more than 36,000 people in the aftermath of the quake. During the year, schools were rebuilt, and modular classrooms were set up for children to continue their education. Mobile teams provided non-formal education, digital learning classes, and mental health support to address the overall wellbeing of thousands of children. 


“We heard children laugh again, saw people slowly regain confidence and return to their daily lives,” added Ms. ElMousti. 


Ibrahim adjusts to his new family


For children who lose parental care, the best option is to be reunited with family or extended family when in their best interest. While Ibrahim has extended family, including an aunt and uncle, they were unable to care for him. They are happy knowing he is being supported by SOS Children’s Villages, has a brighter future, and they can visit him. 


Initially weakened by malnutrition, Ibrahim silently observed his new surroundings with wide, curious eyes. But thanks to Nawal's attentive care and the affection of his new siblings, Ibrahim gradually regained his strength. 


Today, Ibrahim is a different child. He has gained weight, his health has significantly improved, and he is thriving, surrounded by the love of his new family. His siblings adore him, and he plays with them, his laughter echoing throughout SOS Children's Villages in Aït Ourir. 


*Name changed to protect privacy. 


The SOS MAYDAY Emergency Relief Fund equips us to act swiftly and effectively to support children and families during emergencies and to build resilience against future disasters in the communities we support. Please donate to this fund to enable us to respond when crises occur.  

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