These publications demonstrate how, with your support, SOS Children’s Villages is creating meaningful impact for millions of children and families in over 130 countries around the world.
Our Impact
SOS Children’s Villages Canada 2023 Annual Report
Our impact increased 17% in 2023, and together we
achieved change for nearly 3 million people in over
130 countries and territories. Through our programs,
we ensured that children around the world were safe and healthy and that families could thrive.

SOS Children’s Villages International 2023 Annual Report
Yearly overview of federation activities, financial report and program statistics for 2023.

75 Years of Impact
This report provides wide-ranging data and analysis on how SOS Children's Villages has successfully supported program participants since our founding in 1949.

SOS Children’s Villages Namibia Impact Report
With a team of 86 staff, SOS Children’s Villages implements development programs to support vulnerable children and families in three locations in Namibia: Ondangwa, Tsumeb and Windhoek.

Our work in Los Mina, Dominican Republic
With your support, SOS Children’s Villages has been able to provide critical support to more than 500
children and families in Los Mina.

2022-2023 Impact Report: Update on the war in Ukraine and our emergency response
Children have borne the heaviest burden since the onset of the war in Ukraine. SOS Children’s Villages’ large-scale humanitarian response was launched in 20 regions of Ukraine and 13 key refugee-hosting countries across Europe.

The Keranyo Family and Community Strengthening Program Impact Report
Since 1997, SOS Children’s Villages in Keranyo has been implementing a Family Strengthening Program that includes a fully staffed Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Community Centre actively supporting families in need.

Impact insights: Results of social impact assessments in seven program locations
Seven assessments have provided evidence that SOS Children’s Villages is making a lasting difference in children’s lives and helping to make the communities in which they live sustainable.

Youth Power Impact Report
Solutions through youth-led initiatives that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) around the world.

YouthCan! Facts and Figures 2023
YouthCan! is SOS Children’s Villages’ global program for youth employability and entrepreneurship. Corporate volunteers share their time, skills, and expertise to help young people without adequate parental care or from families facing hardship to transition from school to decent work and independent life.

SOS-WISE Youth Scholarship Program Final Report
The SOS-WISE Youth Scholarship Program was a transformative two-year pilot project initiated by SOS Children’s Villages Canada and the Steele Family Foundation in partnership with the Hermann Gmeiner International College and the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award.

Other findings from our work in children and youth development, family strengthening, and community capacity building are available at SOS Children’s Villages International: Research and Positions and Our Impact.
Global Report on Children’s Care and Protection: Understanding and Preventing the Separation of Children from their Families
New global research reveals how to stop millions of children from growing up alone.

Children Without Parental Care in Africa
The study, the first of its kind for the African continent, was conducted from 2020 to 2022, covering 43 countries in the five regions of Africa.

Core documents that guide our work
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
Adopted in 1989, UNCRC guarantees universal fundamental rights for all children in the world. It has been ratified by 196 countries and is a global framework for children’s rights.

Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children
Endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2009, this document intends to enhance the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and of relevant provisions of other international instruments regarding the protection and well-being of children who are deprived of parental care or who are at risk of losing it.

The 2019 UN Resolution on the Rights of the Child Focusing on Children Without Parental Care
This resolution focuses specifically on children who have lost parental care. It underlines the importance of growing up in a family and the right of children to have a family. Furthermore, it highlights the rights of children with disabilities concerning family life. The resolution also opposes the unnecessary separation of children from their families and the unlawful deprivation of their liberty.

Sustainable Development Goals
In September 2015, leaders from 193 countries committed to a 15-year plan of action to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice, guarantee access to quality education and decent work and tackle climate change. Together with partners and states, we work to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals with the most significant impact on children and young people without parental care or at risk of losing it.

Child and Youth Safeguarding
Protecting children is at the heart of what we do. To learn more about our Child and Youth Safeguarding Policy, Safeguarding Action Plan and Code of Conduct, visit the SOS Children’s Villages Safeguarding Information Hub.