Taking care of his “SOS kids”—now and in the future
If you’re like me, you might lie awake at night thinking and worrying about the children in your life. It doesn’t matter how old they are—you’ll always worry about their well-being.
When my wife and I adopted our two children, we vowed to always support them, and love them unconditionally. We all know that continuity and life-long support is important for any child, but for those in an adoptive situation, that sense of security is critical to their ability to form a connection with their non-biological family.
My experience as an adoptive parent is just one of the reasons why I continue to be so passionate about SOS Children’s Villages. Because when an orphaned or abandoned child comes into the care of an SOS Village, they are welcomed into a loving family environment—one that they can count on for the rest of their lives.
Even though I’m retired now, I still think about all of the children I met in my travels while working as CEO of SOS Children’s Villages Canada. I heard countless tales of young lives transformed by the generosity of others. And it brings me great comfort to know that I’ll still be able to contribute to these happy stories even after I’m gone.
Have you given any thought to the legacy that you want to leave behind?
It was several years ago that my wife, Barbara, and I started thinking more seriously about our lives, our passions and our plans for the future. While it was difficult to think about a time when we would no longer be around, we were far more concerned about providing for our children, and easing any difficulties they might face as adults.

But when Barbara and I sat down to update our wills, we were pleasantly surprised to discover that we could comfortably provide for our children and make a gift to SOS Children’s Villages Canada. What’s more, we also learned that our bequest would actually reduce the amount of tax owing on our estate.

You might be thinking that making this type of gift is outside of your means. But it could be a small percentage of your estate or simply a gift comprised of what remains after everyone you name gets their share. Let me tell you from firsthand experience—what you consider to be a modest gift could have a profound impact for vulnerable children in crisis.
If you’re as passionate about helping children at risk as I am, I encourage you to consider leaving a gift in your will to support children in the care of SOS Children’s Villages Canada. I assure you it will qualify as one of the best decisions you’ve ever made, knowing that your gift will better the lives of so many children well into the future.
Boyd McBride, Legacy Donor and President and CEO of SOS Children's Villages (2001-2017)