Keeping Traditions Alive

How your support is transforming young lives.
SOS Children’s Villages believes that no child should grow up alone. Our first priority is to support families at risk to prevent family breakdown, so that children do not need alternative care. This is carried out through our Family Strengthening Program. In cases where a child cannot be cared for by their family of origin, we provide quality alternative family-based care in the form of Children’s Villages, where children grow up as part of an SOS family.
Modise* is one of the children that lives in the SOS Children’s Village in Serowe.
Keeping Traditions Alive
Modise loves to dance. She is a member of the ever-so-talented Serowe Village traditional dance group. The group recently helped make the SOS President Kaul’s visit to Botswana more memorable, as they danced the evening away.
Modise came to live in the SOS Children’s Village in Serowe when she was two years old. She was tiny and sickly when she first arrived at the Village, with delayed milestones. With love and care from her SOS mother and siblings, the little girl is now a well- nourished and enthusiastic child.
Now 11 years old, Modise is not only a good dancer, but she is also doing well at school, and doing much better health-wise. Problems of delayed speech are now a thing of the past. Modise is now able to communicate in both languages (Setswana and English). She likes to practice her English on her friends and siblings. “I love my SOS mother, and she loves me too,” she likes to say.
*The name has been changed to protect the privacy of the child.